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Links of Interest


Essential, Organizational Resources:


​​>> From the North American Banding Council: Banding During
the COVID-19 Pandemic

​​>> From the USGS Bird Banding Lab - Bird Banding Notes and Memos to All Banders.

​​>> North American Banding Council

​​>> From the USGS Bird Banding Lab: How many birds are banded?

​​>> Biologists complete 13th season of summer bird banding along lower Colorado River. Describes 2013 MAPS program, US Bureau of Reclamation Website.

Interesting Articles:​​

>> Bird banding and its role in conservation - and how you
can help!


​​>> Elusive Black Rail May Adapt Better Than You Think, by
Alison Hawkes. Published online March 21, 2014, and in print in Bay
Nature, July-September 2014.

​​>> Establishing the Breeding Provenance of a Temperate-Wintering North American Passerine, the Golden-crowned Sparrow, Using Light-Level Geolocation, by Nathaniel E. Seavy, Diana L. Humple, Renee L. Cormier, Thomas Gardali. Published online in PLoS ONE 7(4) on April 10, 2012.

​​>> Is it Time to Halt Bird Banding?, by Marlene A. Condon.

-- Accompanied by Why Bird Banding Should Continue, a Rebuttal by Bruce G. Peterjohn. Point-Counterpoint in the Wildlife Professional, Fall 2011, pages 84-85.

-- More response: Call for Retraction, Bird Banding Opinion Piece Raises Objections, Commentary by Ellen Paul, John Alexander, Susan Finnegan, Alexander L. Bond, Jeffrey A. Stratford and Scott Weidensaul. Published in Wildlife Professional Spring 2012, pages 68-69.

​​>> Tag, You're It!? Tracking Hawks Over Hill and Dale, by Eric Vance. The Golden Gate Raptor Observatory is featured in the cover story for Bay Nature, Oct-Dec 2011.

​​>> How Safe is Mist Netting? Evaluating the Risk of Injury and Mortality to Birds, by Erica N. Spotswood, Kari Roesch Goodman, Jay Carlisle, Renee Cormier, Diana L. Humple, Josee Rousseau, Susan L. Guers, Gina Barton. Article first published online: 30 June 2011. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 3, no. 1, pages 29-38, Feb. 2012.


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