Western Bird Banding Association
The most recent issues of the journal are available in print only, older issues (1976 - 2020) are digitized and available online (see below). To subscribe to NABB, become a member - a NABB subscription is one of the benefits of joining the Association! Each issue contains a wealth of engaging information that will keep subscribers abreast of the latest in American bird banding news. Topics include:
» Selected educational sources on special techniques, i.e., refined aging & sexing of birds
» Seasonal/regional reports & updates from banding stations; significant recoveries
» Announcements for banding training/certification sessions; meetings, festivals & other events
» Reports on original research by banders
» Reviews of current books in the fields of bird ecology & behavior relevant to banding
» Opinion pieces on ornithological issues
» Accounts of the work of banders in the region
» Basics of banding, netting, & trapping
» Reviews of research papers - modern as well as historical - pertaining to banding birds
» "How to" articles on making & using banding equipment
» "Bander's Marketplace" for buying/selling banding gear
We welcome original research manuscripts involving marked/banded/tagged birds, as well as molt, morphometrics, plumages, capture techniques, and notable ornithological discoveries. The guidelines below apply to manuscripts - less formal guidelines apply to other journal sections (book reviews, reports, etc).
For any questions, please contact WBBA Editor Walt Sakai (danausakai@aol.com) or NABB Editor Robert J. Pantle (bpbird@frontiernet.net).
Abstracts of selected NABB papers may be found in: Ornithological Worldwide Literature (OWL)
OWL is a compilation of citations and abstracts from the worldwide scientific literature that pertain to ornithology. Most importan is its coverage of the 'grey' literature, which are not abstracted by commercial databases. Click button below to search NABB abstracts in a new window:
Back issues of NABB are $5.00. Please contact:
​Specify which issue(s) you want and the postal address to which they should be sent.
After it confirmed the issues are available you can pay using the WBBA donate feature.
Guidelines for Publishing in NABB
(click on the PDF icon)
Become a member & subscribe
to NABB today!

Some exemplary NABB articles from across the years:
>> A Simple, Inexpensive, and Mass-Producible Research Blind. Vol. 22 I, 1997; pgs. 18-21. Patrick E. Lederle, Mark C. Nelson, James L. Boone.
>> Seasonal Weight Changes in Barred Owls by Sex. Vol. 45 III,
2020; pgs. 106-111. Jamie M. Acker.
>> "That" Future of Passerine Banding. Vol. 1 I, 1976; pg 35. Karl E.
>> MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity andSurvivorship) Data
Provide Inferences on Demographic Drivers of Population Trends
for 158 Species of North American Landbirds. Vol. 41 I, 2016; pages
12-19. Steven K. Albert, David F. DeSante, Danielle R. Kaschube, and
James F. Saracco.
>> Extra-territorial movements by Eastern Whip-poor-wills. Vol. 41 III, 2016; pgs 97-102. Pamela Hunt.
>> First Evidence That Paired Roseate Terns Travel Together During Spring Migration. Vol. 42 III, 2017; pgs 60-62. Jeffrey A. Spendelow, Gabriel Lugo
>> Disappearance of a Northern Cardinal's eggs from an American Robin's Nest: Interpretation of an old photo in North American Bird Bander. Vol. 40-41 IV & I, 2015-2016; pgs. 21-23. Spencer G. Sealy, Todd J. Underwood.
>> Possible Pitfalls in Museum Specimen Data. Vol. 1 I, 1976; pgs 20-21. Mary H. Clench.
>> New Longevity Record for Harlequin Duck more than 20 Years. Cyndi M. Smith, John Ashley, R. Ian Goudie, Constance M. Smith. Vol. 42 III, 2017; pgs 72-74.
>> A Study of Radio-Equipped Flickers. Vol. 5 II, 1980; pgs 47-50. W.C. Royall, Jr., O.E. Bray.
>> To Catch A Clapper Rail - Twice. Vol. 8 IV, 1983; pgs 144-148. Richard Zembal, Barbara W. Massey.
>> A Technique for Making Custom-Sized Colored Plastic Bird Bands. Vol. 8 IV, 1983; pgs 138-139. Betsy Trent Thomas.
>> Recent Literature - Compiled by C.J. Ralph. Vol. 45 III, 2020; pgs. 124-129. Various Contributors.

The content of NABB volumes 1 - 45 (1976 - 2020) is available online through the Searchable Ornithological Research Archive (SORA) - click the button below to open the NABB archives in a new window:
Tricia Campbell

"A good ornithologist should be able to distinguish birds by their air as well as by their colors and shape; on the ground as well as on the wing, and in the bush as well as in the hand. For, though it must not be said that every species of birds has a manner peculiar to itself, yet there is somewhat, in most genera at least, that at first sight discriminates them and enables a judicious observer to pronounce upon them with some certainty." - Gilbert White, The Natural History of Selborne (1829)