Western Bird Banding Association

WBBA counts on the activism and financial support of renewing members in order to maintain the mission & grow the reach of this organization - to support ornithological research and conservation through the study of banded birds.
Our members are diverse, including individuals & organizations, amateurs & professionals, active, former, & non-banders coming from various walks of life and from many countries including those outside the WBBA region - but all share a passion for birds & the use of bird banding as a tool for bird conservation. If you are reading this you likely have a strong interest in and/or involvement with birds - and we think you would benefit from joining WBBA.
We hold annual meetings in early fall in one of the Western states/provinces that form the WBBA region. These meetings consist of current banding-technique presentations & research papers, along with banding demonstrations & birding field trips, over the course of a few days. They are fantastic opportunities to meet, socialize, and network with other banders and learn more about the art & science of bird banding.
WBBA also supports banders in several other ways. WBBA acts as a spokesperson for banders in bird banding matters that are brought to our attention. We coordinate our activities with the USGS Bird Banding Laboratory and have representatives on the North American Banding Council (NABC). We also provide several grants each year to people using bird banding as part of their research.
As part of your membership at the Active or higher level, you will receive the quarterly journal North American Bird Bander (NABB), beginning with the issue following receipt of your payment. NABB contains papers & articles related to bird-banding activities, reports from the three North American banding associations, reviews of recent literature, summaries of bird-banding data, seasonal reports from banding stations, information on purchase of banding supplies & availability of research grants, and other interesting & useful information for bird banders and serious bird aficionados.
Explore the rest of our website to discover a number of features that we think you'll find useful and informative.
We hope you will consider joining and participating in WBBA!
WBBA Board of Directors
Membership Levels
Supporting/Non-subscribing - $15 annually: Does not include a subscription to North American Bird Bander.
* Student/Intern/Volunteer - $15 annually: Available for the first two years of membership to low-income banders in these categories. Available to students (any academic institution) for the duration they remain enrolled. The individual’s institution
must be indicated.
* Active - $25 annually: Available to individuals only.
* Institutional - $40 annually: Available to all
organizations, whetherfor-profit or not.
* Sustaining - $50 annually: Includes the same
membership benefits as an Active membership;
however, you are supporting WBBA at a higher level.
* Lifetime - $300 one-time payment: Available to
individuals only.
* asterisk denotes membership including a subscription to North American Bird Bander

Membership Breakdown:
Alabama: 1
Alaska: 6
Arizona: 8
California: 47
Colorado: 7
Delaware: 1
District of Columbia: 1
Florida: 2
Hawaii: 4
Idaho: 2
Indiana: 1
Kansas: 1
Massachusetts: 1
Maryland: 2
Massachusetts: 1
Michigan: 2
Minnesota: 1
Montana: 4
Nevada: 2
New Hampshire: 1
New Jersey: 1
New Mexico: 5
New York: 1
North Carolina: 1
Ohio: 6
Oklahoma: 2
Oregon: 11
Pennsylvania: 2
Texas: 6
Utah: 1
Virginia: 1
Washington: 16
New South Wales: 1
Alberta: 9
British Columbia: 9
Ontario: 2
Quebec: 1
Yukon Territory: 1
Federal District: 1