Western Bird Banding Association
Bird Banding Opportunities
The following WBBA members have offered to make their banding operations accessible to visitors, apprentices, volunteers, guest banders, and/or the media. Contact them directly for further information and to make arrangements. In order to protect the email addresses on this page, we have made them "un-clickable." Please copy-and-paste into your browser/e-mail client.

>> The Institute for Bird Populations - dkaschube@birdpop.org - 609-892-0445 - www.birdpop.org
Don Stiles - stilesdj@shaw.ca (Calgary Area)
>> Beaverhill Bird Observatory - http://beaverhillbirds.com
Head Biologist - biologist@beaverhillbirds.com - 780-915-1301
>> Rocky Point Bird Observatory - Ann Nightingale - rpbo@rpbo.org - 250-514-6450 - Rocky Point Bird Observatory (Capital Regional District)
>> Andrew C. Stewart - andy.stewart@shaw.ca - 250-477-1328
>> Tierra de Aves - www.tierradeaves.com/
Manuel Grosselet - birdinnet@yahoo.com.mx - 55 10 69 83 39 - (Minatitlan) - Veracruz information sheet
>> Costa Rica Bird Observatories - www.CostaRicaBird.org
Pablo Elizondo - jpelizondoatpifcostarica.org - +001-506-8834-4858
>> Alaska Songbird Institute - https://aksongbird.org/education/volunteers/
Maricopa & Mohave Counties
>> Chrissy Kondrat - azdesertbird@gmail.com
Coconino, Pima, & Yuma Counties
>> Charles van Riper III - charles_van_riper@usgs.gov - 520-626-7027 - Charles van Riper, Ornithologist, Research Scientist
Pima County
>> Clait E. Braun - sg-wtp@juno.com - doves only
Humboldt County
>> Klamath Bird Monitoring Network - www.klamathbird.org
C. J. Ralph - cjralph@humboldt1.com
Office: 707-825-2992, Cell: 707-499-9707
John D. Alexander - jda@klamathbird.org
Office: 541-201-0866, Cell: 541-890-7067
Los Angeles & Kern Counties
>> Walter H. Sakai - danausakai@aol.com - 310-902-7551
>> San Fernando Valley Bird Observatory - Mark Osokow, mark.osokow@sfvaudubon.org
Marin County
>> Point Blue Conservation Science - http://www.pointblue.org
Palomarin Field Station - Diana Humple - dhumple@pointblue.org
Southeast Farallon Island:
Summer seabird research - https://www.pointblue.org/internships/volunteer-research-assistant-southeast-farallon-island/
Fall songbird research - Jim Tietz - jtietz@pointblue.org
Mariposa County
>> Barbara Robinson - indianpeakranch@sti.net - 209-966-5259 - hummingbirds only
Nevada County
>> Gold Country Avian Studies - https://goldcountryavianstudies.org/
Allison Nelson - nelson.allison@gmail.com
Orange County
>> Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary - www.starr-ranch.org/
Sandy DeSimone - sdesimone@audubon.org - 949-858-0309
Plumas County
>> Brent Campos - bcampos@pointblue.org - 707-781-2555 ext.331
Riverside County
>> Stephen J. Myers - stephenmyers@earthlink.net - 951-616-7578
San Bernardino County
>> Walter H. Sakai, danausakai@aol.com - 310-902-7551
San Luis Obispo County
>> Jodi L. Isaacs - jodiisaacs@parks.ca.gov - or jodiisaacs@sbcglobal.net - 805-458-3974
San Mateo County
>> Mel Preston - mpreston@pointblue.org
Santa Clara County
>> San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory - http://sfbbo.org/
Josh Scullen - jscullen@sfbbo.org
Tehama County
>> Brent Campos - bcampos@pointblue.org - 707-781-2555 ext.331
Ventura County
>> Simi Hills Wildlife Observatory - Mark Osokow - hopebird@lafn.org
>> Walter H. Sakai - danausakai@aol.com - 310-902-7551 - http://homepage.smc.edu/sakai_walter/
Multiple Counties
>> Colin Woolley - Bird Conservancy of the Rockies - colin.woolley@birdconservancy.org
El Paso County
>> Fred Engelman - fcengelman@earthlink.net - 719.339.9691
El Paso and Teller Counties
>> Dave Elwonger - davidelwonger@msn.com
>> Dr. Oakleigh Thorne, II - oak@thorne-eco.org - 303-499-3647 (w) or 303-447-1769 (h) - www.thorne-eco.org
Clear Creek, Park, Summit, Larimer, & Grand Counties
>> Clait E. Braun - sg-wtp@juno.com - ptarmigan only
>> The Institute for Bird Populations - dkaschube@birdpop.org - 609-892-0445 - www.birdpop.org
>> The Institute for Bird Populations - dkaschube@birdpop.org - 609-892-0445 - www.birdpop.org
>> The Institute for Bird Populations - dkaschube@birdpop.org - 609-892-0445 - www.birdpop.org
>> Borderlands Environmental Education and Research - Carlsbad, NM - Steve West- wthrswift@gmail.com, 575-302-6187
>> Klamath Bird Monitoring Network - www.klamathbird.org
John D. Alexander - jda@klamathbird.org - Office: 541-201-0866, Cell: 541-890-7067
C. J. Ralph - cjralph@humboldt1.com - Office: 707-825-2992, Cell: 707-499-9707
>> The Institute for Bird Populations - dkaschube@birdpop.org - 609-892-0445 - www.birdpop.org
King County
>> Daniel R Froehlich - dfroehli@u.washington.edu - 206-685-9866
Pierce County
>> Michelle Blanchard - 21meadowlarks@gmail.com
>> Daniel R Froehlich - dfroehli@u.washington.edu - 206-685-9866
Skamania County
>> Catherine J. Flick - stewart@gorge.net / flick@gorge.net - 509-493-1195
Snohomish County
>> Daniel R Froehlich - dfroehli@u.washington.edu - 206-685-9866
Thurston County
>> Michelle Blanchard - 21meadowlarks@gmail.com
>> The Institute for Bird Populations - dkaschube@birdpop.org - 609-892-0445 - www.birdpop.org

Please let us know if you would like your banding operation/program to be added to this list.
Email WBBA Secretary Eva at evadgruber@gmail.com OR Membership Coordinator Dani atdkaschube@birdpop.org

"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise." - Aldo Leopold