Western Bird Banding Association
Advocacy and Conservation

The Western Bird Association (WBBA) is committed to bird conservation and advocating for the people who study birds and their habitats. From markets that aim to exploit conservation measures as moneymaking enterprises, to governments seeking to muzzle scientists and gut federal laws protecting species, there are a diverse range of issues that impact bird conservation. We believe sound science is critical to inform management and policy-makers, and we support those who conduct research needed to understand and protect birds and their ecosystems.
The Advocacy and Outreach Committee strives to increase awareness and provide current information to members on issues of relevance. Serving as a link between the bird banding community & decision-makers, we craft letters or statements approved by our board, to organizations, agencies, and policy-makers. We advocate for the bird banding community across a wide breadth of non-partisan issues, including but not limited to: funding, permitting, regulations, research, and endangered species and habitats.
RAPID Bill Aims to Limit Environmental Regulations
- by Amber Carver
* we are actively building our list of communiques and will have more on various topics of interest.

Get Involved in WBBA Advocacy!
​​What does the Advocacy and Conservation Committee do? Founded in 2015, the Advocacy and Conservation Committee keeps the bird banding community aware of pertinent policy and conservation issues through communiques, blog posts, social media, LISTSERVs and NABB publications. Not only does the committee research and produce communiques, it also solicits the submission of topics and draft communiques from WBBA members.
How can I volunteer, suggest topics or submit a draft communique? If you would like to suggest a topic or submit a draft communique to the Advocacy and Conservation Committee or are interested in joining the committee (must be a current WBBA member), please email Marlene Wagner (mawagner@sfu.ca).
What happens after I submit a draft communique? All draft communiques are reviewed and edited by the Advocacy and Conservation Committee and then circulated to the WBBA Board of Directors for additional commentary. After the commentary period, the final communique is posted on the WBBA website at which time the Advocacy and Conservation Committee may choose to further promote the communique through blog posts, social media, LISTSERVs and NABB.
Will I get authorship? Yes, authorship rules follow ICMJE guidelines.